Music for ‘O Futuro do Esquecimento’

Music for a video-photographic installation by Tânia Moreira David, 2024

Music for ‘um ano a flor’ by Sofia Dinger

Music for a performance in 4 parts by Sofia Dinger, 2024.

Campo Próximo, Sonic Lab

Concert with Matilde Meireles for Sonorities Festival, 2024

Music for ‘Mysterious Heart’

Music for 'Mysterious Heart' a dance piece by Tânia Carvalho, for Tanzmainz, 2024.

Canção Nova

With André Guedes, for "The Museum as Performance" Fundação de Serralves, 2023.

Expansive Territories

Artistic Research Program with Matilde Meireles, 2020-22.

Os Passos em Volta – Alcântara

Performative walk with Joana Braga, 2023.

Jogo Duplo

For Sond'Ar-te Trio, commissioned by Miso Music Portugal, 2023.

Posição Relativa

For ensemble, commissioned by DME, 2023.

O Palácio

A project by Paula Diogo and Lígia Soares, 2022.

Different Takes

Sound and Super 8 performance by Piropeep, 2022.

Os Passos em Volta – Trafaria

Performative walk with Joana Braga, 2022.

Música para Uma Sucessão Inevitável de Acontecimentos

Music for a dance piece by Tânia Carvalho, for RTP, 2022.

Music for ‘Cisnografia’

A project by Luiz Antunes and André Mendes, 2021

The Sparrow

Henry Purcell by Diogo Alvim and Tânia Carvalho, with Joana Bagulho and Matthieu Ehrlacher

3 Jogos para Alvorninha

New work for the 100th birthday of Alvorninha's Band

Ladrão de Barulhos

A piece about sound for children, with Inês Botelho

Livro: Poema – Livre

Music for a performance by Sara Vaz and Marco Balesteros, 2020.

Campo Próximo, Panteão Nacional

Concert with Matilde Meireles for Lisboa Soa, 2020.

Music for Henry

for a piece by Rita Vilhena, 2020.

Campo Próximo, Convento São Francisco

Sound installation and concert with Matilde Meireles.

Era um peito só cheio de promessas

Music for a piece by Miguel Pereira.

Sssssss, Tric Tric Tric Tric Tric, Brlblrblrblr Aaahhh!

Music for a Super 8 performance by Piropeep.

Sound for “Astray”

A Film by Caroline Mesquita

Peça com vista

"Piece with a view" for piano.

Ensaio para Livro-Caractere #2 do Som

Performance and installation by Sara Vaz and Marco Balesteros with Diogo Alvim.

Music for “S”

Music for "S", a new dance piece by Tânia Carvalho.
Portuguese Symphony Orchestra, 2018.

A Bag and a Stone

Instrumental music for a dance piece for screen by Tânia Carvalho, 2018.

Material Music

Concert/ installation @ CNEAI

Da Nova Arte de Fazer Ruínas

Music for a dance piece by Beatriz Cantinho with Ricardo Jacinto.


Concert/ Installation for Territórios Temporários

Festival Underscore

Festival de Música, Som, Imagem em Movimento e Arquivo.


Music for new piece by Tânia Carvalho, 2017.

Turning Backs

With Lígia Soares and Rita Vilhena


Sound and visual essay for Wrong Wrong Magazine.

Trabalho de Mesa – Da Tradução

For "Do Liminar #6" @ Zaratan Gallery.

Glimpse – 5 Room Puzzle

Music for Tania Carvalho's Piece "Glimpse – 5 Room Puzzle", 2016.

Campo Próximo, Escola das Gaivotas

Site-specific performance with Matilde Meireles for Old School #38.


With the Royal String Quartet.


Music for a dance piece by Luiz Antunes and Sérgio Diogo Matias, 2014.


A live performance of music, film and squash. With Matilde Meireles.

The Pyramid and the Labyrinth

Sound event at the MAC - São Paulo Brazil.

Apartamento em Lisboa (Narrador Presente)

Electroacoustic, 4 channels.

Artistic Residency in São Paulo

Artistic residency São Paulo Brazil.

Travelogue #1

Travel portrait, with Le Corbusier and Xenakis, Zumthor and others.

Inside Out (Situation #)

For any wind instrument, electronics and pipes.

No Chords Attached

Network piece for piano and sound walkers.

Problema Técnico

Music for the piece 'Technical Problem' by Andresa Soares.

Come Across

A soundwalk based piece by Unlikely Places.

27 Ossos

For Tania Carvalho’s choreography 27 Ossos.

Music for Sax and Boxes

For tenor sax, 4 boxes and electronics.


For flute and electronics.


Music for Tânia Carvalho's choreography Icosahedron, 2011.

Rotação e Inflexão

Artist Residency with Inês Botelho

Do You Hear What I’m Seeing?

Electroacoustic, 4 channels.

Como Rebolar Alegremente…

Music and sound for a play by Miguel Loureiro and André Guedes.


For solo Bb Clarinet.

Études d’après MIDI

Miniatures for piano

Concatenação (2008)

Gulbenkian Orchestra.

Distância (Ocupação_3)

Electroacoustic for 3 channels.


For (5) ensemble(s).


For ensemble

Pequeno Concerto para Clarinete e Paisagem (2007)

Clarinet Concerto, Gulbenkian Orchestra.

Pequenas Peças para Piano (2007)

Miniatures for piano.

Ocupação 1

For 2 clarinets and percussion
13.04 — 13.10.2025
Installation for the Portuguese Pavilion @ Expo2025 Osaka
Osaka, Japan

“Music for Sax and Boxes” @ ISCM WNMD 2025 – New version, Henrique Portovedo
CCB - Lisbon

02.07 — 30.07.2025
New work – Installation and Concert
Galeria Diferença, Lisbon