“Relative Position” explores a set of musical materials in a sequence of different
spatial arrangements. Each section repeats certain sound elements, reconfigured
in a new order, and in a new relative position of the musicians.
Without a conductor, the musicians navigate the piece in a context of greater
freedom of action, but also of uncertainty. Some open parameters of semi-
-improvisation, allow the exploration of sound as a current, present, and situated
phenomenon, which is reinforced by the active occupation of space.
The piece has 4 sections with the following titles:

Posição 1 – Posterior (conjuntura) //   Position 1 – Posterior (conjuncture)
Posição 2 – Horizontal (constelação) // Position 2 – Horizontal (constellation)
Posição 3 – Paralelo (afinidade) // Position 3 – Parallel (affinity)
Posição 4 – Sobre (argumento) // Position 4 – On/above/about (argument)


Posição Relative was commissioned by Ensemble DME, and premiered at Museu Nacional de Arte Antiga, and was performed again in the Gulbenkian Foundation, at “The Architecture of Sounds“, a concert held in the context of the presentation of the exhibition “Révolutions Xenakis,” commemorating the centenary of Iannis Xenakis, the concert-installation is curated by Ensemble DME and is part of CAM’s programming.


Instrumentation Flute, Clarinet B♭, Violin, Cello, Percussion (vibraphone and bass drum) Commissioned by Projecto DME Premiere Ensemble DME Flute Marina Camponês Clarinet B♭ Carlos Silva Violin Beatriz Costa Cello Ângela Carneiro Percussion  Francisco Cipriano Premiere Museu Nacional de Arte Antiga, Lisboa Date January 28 2023 Other performances Arquitectura dos Sons – Fundação Calouste Gulbenkian Date 26 March 2023